Welcome to the blog for theresemurdza.com


website update

images of new paintings are going up on the website (thanks, Dan). see Works on Canvas page for detail shots. and thanks to folks from NC to NY to IA to OR for the feedback on the new work. your good support is with me in the studio.24" x 42
acrylic paint, pencil, crayon on canvas


sep 14 - see the DJC commission, Portland

see portland landcape, c-5 at the new downtown Portland office of the publisher at the Daily Journal of Commerce. on display at their Open House Reception. everyone's welcome!

DJC Open Hou
se Reception
Thursday, Se
ptember 14 - 4:00p-7:00p
921 SW Washington Street, Suite 210 Portland, OR 97205.

DJC commission delivered

successful delivery of portland landscape, c-5 to the Daily Journal of Commerce, Portland. Brian Hunt, Publisher, seen here helping to unwrap the piece.


DJC commission complete

portland landscape, c-5
46" x 56"
acrylic paint, pencil, crayon, charcoal on canvas

nov 2 - upcoming Iowa show

in Iowa come November? i'll be back in the midwest to join the Fall Show at CornerHouse Gallery & Frame -- November 2, 2006 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. we'll include work they currently have on hand, as well as new work i've recently completed here in Portland.

two and then three
acrylic paint, pencil, crayon on canvas


recently found myself nicely blogged by someone named Blogging Burt. Thanks, BB.