Welcome to the blog for theresemurdza.com


pink + other, um, trends

the holy color pink is still showing up on trend guides for 2011. lucky-luck, we've got Paintings on Paper and on Canvas in pink + other trendy colors. intro prices for paper start at an awesome $45; visit the site, studio, and/or contact me for specs. *free shipping* til Dec 31, 2010!
untitled map (no. 21-01), 11" x 15", sumi ink + watercolor on paper (framed, $185)    


party in the Heart of Winter

our new series of smaller-scale paintings are perfect for new and experienced art lovers. introductory prices for 8"x24" (and thereabouts) pieces begin at $375 with FREE SHIPPING now thru Dec 31. beloveds near + far, contact me for details!
elevations 001-014 (2010), 8"x24"


next up: Ms Eunice Parsons!

beloved Portland artist Eunice Parsons opens TONIGHT Sat Dec 4 6P-8P at Luke's Frame Shop 2707 SE Belmont Ave, Portland. she's happily still at it at 94 years old....

full house

a mystical, magical Brewhouse Studio/ArtWorks Consulting Opening Event at GBD Architects this week, complete with a pre-First Thursday nod from art critic D.K. Row. multiple requests for another public showing (stay tuned for details). in the meantime, please contact us for a private viewing for you and/or your friends and clients - now thru Jan 8, 2011.

Photo by Brian Lee Photography



open studio. open heart.

my studio building hosted an open house/open studio event this past weekend, transforming what for me is a solitary daily show into a dreamy evening of beautiful intersections. some of us are talking about making it a monthly event. good practice to open up. i'll keep you posted for next time.

if you haven't yet migrated over to the thérèse murdza: studio page on Facebook, we'd love to Like you back.
detail from a new painting, titleTBD, showing at GBD Architects Dec 2-Jan8


Thérèse Murdza: New Works Opens Dec 2

we'll get the event page set up next week. until then, here's a near-ready version of the invitation for my show that open First Thursday Dec 2. designed by the good folks at Brewhouse Studio.


on the wing

Portrait of the Artist as Part of the Landscape: a sweet review about the gorgeous Lee Kelly exhibit up now through Jan2011 at the Portland Art Museum. the paintings + sculpture works are dancing around like winged poems...go see them!
Image courtesy of Lee Kelly
Rose Test Garden:
One of many local places where Kelly's work is available for viewing.



some of you know i paint on paper with ink + watercolor (emphasis on the color) in addition to my canvas work. i've also a penchant for pure black inks and watery gray washes...
untitled map (no. 1002-3). 2010. 22" x 15", diptych (11" x 15" each). black sumi ink on paper.


life well may be long

the new series of paintings is up for the looking. and, as you are moved, for the collecting. Cloudy fields erupt from orderly and disorderly color, and repeated, elementary gestures like circles, squares, and lines, guide the wandering and the being home. (excerpt from an essay i recently wrote about this new work...)

life may well be long, and passing yonder still
2010, 30” x 40”, acrylic, pencil, crayon on canvas



this blog is coming out about its facebook status. if you'd care to find me there, i'll be your friend...
new painting, title TBD (in process)


Louise Bourgeois flies

oh, to (art)work until one's death!

her latest pieces finished just last week, Bourgeois' work was almost unknown to the wider art world until she was 70, when New York's Museum of Modern Art presented a solo show of her career in 1982.

In an e-mail exchange in early 2008, The Associated Press asked Bourgeois what advice she would give young artists just starting out. "Tell your own story, and you will be interesting," she responded. "Don't get the green disease of envy. Don't be fooled by success and money. Don't let anything come between you and your work."

many obit stories with images of her famous sculptures. good ones at LATimes and NPR.org.

( Nanda Lanfranco/Bourgeois Studio )
Louise Bourgeois in 2003.


vocabulary. abstract.

process images for project with the Heidi McBride Gallery for Portland's South Waterfront Mirabella Building. installation this summer.

from outer space (pink) et al

Brooklyn-based painter Molly Dilworth paints outside. rooftops (to be imaged digitally by Google Earth) and now, Times Square.
Painting The Town: The Times Square Artists' Competition -- UPDATED - Real Clear Arts

"...what does painting mean in the digital age?"

abstract. vocabulary.

Barbara Hepworth: Form and Feeling - Retrospectives - Obit Magazine
Small and soft-spoken, Hepworth did not believe you had to be strong or forceful to make sculpture. She explained, “It’s [about] rhythm. The strokes of the hammer on the chisel have to be in time with your heartbeat or pulse.”

By the time Hepworth died 35 years ago, on May 20, 1975, she had executed almost 600 sculptures over 50 years and had been knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 1965. She had little assistance, and her underappreciated sculpture is even confused with Henry Moore’s oeuvre. Because she and Moore, as fledgling artists, shared teachers and then a period style, their art has much in common. Yet it differs in many ways. For one, Hepworth carved many more stone and wood sculptures. She also remained committed to an abstract vocabulary for a longer time.


april showers

one piece (title tbd, 36" x 30") of new series emerging in the past few months... more pictures and information about availability soon.


emerging in the studio

working intensively in March to bring a new series of paintings into being. some details from a triptych (42" x 144"; 42" x 48" each) currently in process.


time + money

i paint paintings most days: the actual brush time + the divine hustle to sell whatever pieces are commercially viable = a mostly sustainable studio art enterprise via a bustling 2009, and now lately, a quiet end-of-winter early 2010. today, making some paintings patterned after early blooming trees, growing into poems with verve and possibility. singing into the future.
in the midst of this heady, hearty work, i also read the daily business news. here, an ode to the loved ones who help us keep the boat afloat. Explaining Informal Investors - BusinessWeek


2010 2010 2010

process pics of the new triptych (60" x 108"; 60" x 36" each panel) as of yesterday. still evolving...